Create Your Profile

Updated January 2024 This is a very basic “beta” membership platform. Membership is open to judges, volunteers, past & present submitters in good standing to our four film festivals.

To help your fellow creatives find you, please include a picture, cover banner and a few links to your portfolio, email & social media. Temporary accounts (no picture & banner) are deleted every once in a while, so please complete yours ASAP. Thank you!

Awards, Nominees & Programs
, here. Gift subscriptions are available. Please subscribe and invite your friends, family and fans to subscribe, ONEPlusphi TV. We appreciate your support! Donate here.

Attention submitters: All plans and practices are subject to change without notice. By submitting to our film festivals, the submitter agrees to allow us to download and screen the submission.

By submitting to our film festivals, the submitter provides consent for us – AIAFilmmakers, Infinite Perimeter Films, and our team – to download and/or upload their intellectual property to the internet. Additional rules and terms here, here, here, here, here and here.

We’re accepting shorts. We’re accepting screenplays and music videos. We’re accepting songs in mp3 format and photos. We love satire and comedic shorts! We like dystopic themes, too. If we decide to publish Nominees and Awards, it’s generally up to 3 weeks following conclusion of festival events, so please check back with us.

In addition to our new homesteading film festival, we’re now submitting for three film festivals:

#ICHFF2024 International Cannabis & Hemp Film Festival

#IAFF2024 International Activism Film Festival

#ISFFF2024 International SciFi & Fantasy Film Festival.

Thanks to our wonderful viewers, submitters, supporters, judges, and volunteers! All donations go toward supporting filmmakers, photographers, artists, musicians & writers. You rock!

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